The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 7 - Chapter 3
Discussion of: Mansion 7 Chapter 3
█ Summary or Highlights
█ The Little Butterfly Has Died
Now She Lives in Christ
Christ lives in her
The Spiritual Marriage is Granted
█ By their Fruits,
Can Be Recognized
the Difference of Her New State
Compared to Her Previous State.
▀ Total Abandonment of Itself to God.
■ Self-Forgetfulness
■ A New Life of Recollection in Christ.
■ Attachment to God and His Work
Detachment from the World
▪ Yet Doesn't neglect the duties
of her state
▪ Humbly Acknowledging Her Weakness
▀ Strong Desire for Suffering
■ Love for persecutors or enemies
▀ Exchange
of the Desire to Die To See God
for the Desire to Live to Serve God
■ God's Work has Become Her Life's Work
God's Will has Become Her Will
■ Sometimes a fleeting desire to die
in order to see God returns;
But is soon replaced by the commitment
to follow His Will
to grasp this opportunity
to labour for Him
▀ Sweet and Penetrating Touches of His Love
■ God "recalls it to fervour if negligent."
■ St. Teresa Advises:
▀ Interior Peace
■ Peace amidst Trials
■ Few Ecstasies in the Seventh Mansions.
▀ Care and Caution Not to Offend God
■ Acknowledgement of their debt to God
█ The Little Butterfly Has Died;
Now She Lives in Christ
Christ lives in her
"The little butterfly has died
with the greatest joy
at having found rest at last"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #1]
"I found him whom my soul loveth:
I held him: and I will not let him go"
[ Canticles 3: 4 ]
"I to my beloved, and my beloved to me"
[ Canticles 6: 2 ]
"Now Christ lives in her."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #1]
"Here the dove sent out by Noah
to see whether the flood had subsided,
has plucked the olive branch,
showing that she has found firm land
amongst the floods and tempests of this world
[Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #12]
"He sent forth also a dove after him,
to see if the waters had now ceased
upon the face of the earth.
But she,
not finding
where her foot might rest,
returned to him into the ark:
And she came to him in the evening,
carrying a bough of an olive tree,
Noah therefore understood
that the waters were ceased
upon the earth."
[ Gen 8: 8, 9, 11 ]
"Because in thee I find
My house of rest,
My dwelling-place,
My home...
Seek in thyself for Me !
[ Minor Works Of St. Teresa
Exclamations, Maxims And Poems
Of Saint Teresa Of Jesus
Poem #10
"Alma, buscarte has en Mi'"
Soul, Seek thyself in Me
The Benedictines Of Stanbrook ]
"Here the overflowing waters
are given to the wounded hart"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #12]
"As the hart panteth
after the fountains of water;
so my soul panteth after thee, O God.
My soul hath thirsted
after the strong living God;
when shall I come and appear
before the face of God?
My tears have been my bread
day and night,
whilst it is said to me daily :
Where is thy God?
These things I remembered,
and poured out my soul in me:
for I shall go over
into the place
of the wonderful tabernacle,
even to the house of God"
[ Psalm 42: 1 - 4 ]
I believe her petition is now granted.
Here the overflowing waters
are given to the wounded hart:
Here she delights in the tabernacles of God"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #12]
"He has bound Himself to her
as firmly as two human beings
are joined in wedlock
will never separate Himself from her.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #3]
█ By the Fruits, can be recognized
the difference of her new state
compared to her previous state.
"These effects,
with all the other good fruits...
of the different degrees of prayer,
are given by God to the soul
when it draws near Him
to receive that 'kiss of His mouth'
for which the bride asked"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #12]
"Let him kiss me
with the kiss of his mouth:
Draw me:
We will run after thee
to the odour of thy ointments.
The king hath brought me
into his storerooms:
we will be glad and rejoice in thee..."
[ Canticles 1: 2...4 ]
I believe her petition is now granted.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #12]
"Let us see the difference
between her present and her former life,
for the effects will prove..."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 3: #1 ]
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 7 Chapter 3
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila