The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 7 - Chapter 2
Discussion of Mansion 7 Chapter 2
█ Summary or Highlights
█ Divine and Spiritual Nuptials
▀ This Secret Union takes place
in the innermost centre of the soul
▀ An Intellectual Vision
▀ The Soul is United to God
▀ The Butterfly Dies: To Live in Christ
▀ Spiritual Joy and Peace overflow
to the faculties
■ Strengthening them in their efforts
in God service
and in following God's Will
■ Crosses and Sufferings in the faculties
Yet Peace in the Soul
▀ Spiritual Wisdom
▀ Spiritual Marriage is Permanent.
■ As long as the soul does not offend God
▀ More Careful Not To Offend God
▀ Strong Desire to Labor and Suffer for God
█ No Door separating the 6th and 7th Mansions
No Door between
the Spiritual Bethrothal
the Spiritual Marriage
▀ The soul's locus is now
in God's Presence Chamber
in the innermost centre of the soul
■ Heightened Awareness
of the Soul's Interior Life
■ Distinction between Soul and Spirit
■ St. Teresa Experiences
this Apparant Divide
▀ Communication from God
■ Visions:
Differences of the 6th and 7th Mansions
▪ 6th Mansion:
God Communicates to the soul through its faculties
▪ 7th Mansion:
God Communicates "directly
on the substance of the soul."
■ Visions:
Relatedness of the 6th and 7th Mansions
▪ Spiritual Progression in Intimacy with God
▪ More direct communication
and more complete sharing
▀ Permanence in regard
to the 6th and 7th mansions
█ St. Teresa Advises:
▀ Detachment
█ Divine and Spiritual Nuptials
"I found him whom my soul loveth:
I held him: and I will not let him go"
[ Canticles 3: 4 ]
"I to my beloved, and my beloved to me"
[ Canticles 6: 2 ]
▀ "This secret union takes place
in the innermost centre of the soul
where God Himself must dwell"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: # 2 ]
The "divine and spiritual nuptials...
took place in the interior of the soul"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: # 1 ]
"God places the soul
in His own mansion
which is in the very centre
of the soul itself."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 1: # 12 ]
"Here God appears in the soul's centre"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: # 2 ]
▀ An Intellectual Vision
"not by an imaginary
but by an intellectual vision
far more mystic than those seen before,
just as He appeared to the Apostles
without having entered through the door
when He said:
'Pax vobis.' "
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #2 ]
▀ The Soul is United to God
"He has thus deigned
to unite Himself to His creature:
He has bound Himself to her
as firmly as two human beings
are joined in wedlock
will never separate Himself from her."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #3 ]
"The spirit of this soul,
is made one with God."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #3 ]
"Perhaps when St. Paul said,
'He who is joined to the Lord
is one spirit,'
he meant this Sovereign Marriage,
which presupposes
His Majesty's having been
joined to the soul by union.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #6 ]
"so the soul feels certain
there must be some one within it
lances forth these darts (of love)
vivifies its own life"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #8 ]
"Our Lord Jesus Christ...asked
that they might be made one
with the Father
with Himself;
as Jesus Christ, our Lord,
is in the Father
the Father in Him!"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #10 ]
"That they all may be one,
as thou, Father, in me,
and I in thee;
that they also
may be one in us;
...that they may be one,
as we also are one"
[ John 17: 21- 22 ]
The soul, united to God,
"is like a tree
grafted on a stock
growing near a stream
which makes it greener and more fruitful.
...whose spirit has truly become one
with the celestial water..."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: # 13 ]
▀ The Butterfly Dies: To Live in Christ
"And I live now
not I;
but Christ liveth in me."
[ Galatians 2: 20 ]
"His affairs…were her own"
He would care for hers"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #1]
"Our Lord said to me...
'all I have is thine'
and from that time forth...
our Lord's Passion...belongs to me"
[ Relation 9: #8 ]
St. Paul "says:
'To me,
to live is Christ
to die is gain.' "
"This, I think, might here be uttered
by the soul,
for now the little butterfly (the soul) ...
dies with supreme joy,
for Christ is her life.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: #6 ]
"it is God Who gives it life"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #7 ]
"And nobody putteth a piece of new cloth
unto an old garment.
For it taketh away the fullness thereof
from the garment,
and there is made a greater rent.
Neither do they put new wine
into old bottles.
Otherwise the bottles break,
and the wine runneth out,
and the bottles perish.
But new wine they put into new bottles:
and both are preserved.
[ Mt 9: 16 - 17 ]
"stripping yourselves of the old man
with his deeds,
And putting on the new man,
him who is renewed unto knowledge,
according to the image of Him
that created him
[ Col 3: 9 -10 ]
▀ Spiritual Joy and Peace Overflow
to the faculties
"For from the bosom of the Divinity...
issue streams of milk,
which solace the servants of the castle.
I think He wishes them to share,
in some way,
the riches the soul enjoys;
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #7 ]
"The soul feels certain
that there is a Sun
whence this brilliant light streams forth
from the interior of the spirit
to its faculties."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #8 ]
■ Strengthening them in their efforts
in God service and in following God's Will.
"Therefore from the flowing river...
some drops of water flow
every now and then
to sustain the bodily powers,
the servants of the bride and Bridegroom"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #7 ]
"Let anyone who thirsts
come to me and drink.
...Rivers of living water
will flow from within him."
[ John 7: 37 - 38 ]
■ Crosses and Sufferings Yet Peace in the Soul
But, along with the Peace of the Spirit,
the faculties, senses, and emotions
still encounter the daily trials of life:
"It is not intended
that the powers, senses and passions
should continually enjoy this peace.
The soul does so, indeed,
but in the other mansions
there are still times
of struggle, suffering, and fatigue,
though as a general rule,
peace is not lost by them."
"there can be crosses and sufferings
yet peace in the soul."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #14 ]
"though tumults and wild beasts
rage with great uproar
in the other mansions,
nothing of this enters the seventh mansions,
nor drives the soul from it.
Although the mind regrets these troubles,
- do not disturb it
- nor rob it of its peace,
for the passions are too subdued
to dare to enter here
where they would only suffer
still further defeat.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #15 ]
Also See below
Section: No Door separating
the 6th and 7th Mansions
The soul's locus is now
in God's Presence Chamber
in the innermost centre of the soul
Topic: St. Teresa Experiences
this Apparant Divide
between 'Spirit' and 'Soul'
▀ Spiritual Wisdom
"So mysterious is the secret
so sublime the favour
that God thus bestows instantaneously
on the soul,
that it feels a supreme delight,
"Our Lord vouchsafes for the moment
to reveal to it His own heavenly glory
in a far more subtle way
than by any vision or spiritual delight."
"to show...
how far His love for us extends
in order that we may praise His greatness."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #3 ]
"the soul learns
that 'it is God Who gives it life,'
by certain secret intuitions
too strong to be misunderstood,
keenly felt"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #7 ]
▀ Spiritual Marriage is Permanent.
"The soul always remains
in its centre with its God."
"Spiritual Marriage is like rain
falling from heaven into a river or stream,
becoming one and the same liquid,
so that the river and rain water
cannot be divided;
or it resembles a streamlet flowing
into the ocean,
which cannot afterwards be disunited from it.
This marriage may also be likened to a room
into which a bright light enters
through two windows
--though divided when it enters,
the light becomes one and the same."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: # 5 ]
"The soul itself...
never moves from this centre,
nor loses the peace He can give."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: # 9]
■ As long as the soul does not offend God
"the soul seems in security,
for as long as
- His Majesty thus holds it in His care
- it does not offend Him."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: # 13 ]
▀ More Careful Not To Offend God
"she does not consider herself safe,
but is more careful than ever
to avoid committing the least offence
against God."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7:
Ch. 2: # 13 ]
▀ Strong Desire to Labor and Suffer for God
- is most anxious to serve Him
- feels a constant pain and confusion
at seeing
how little she can do for Him
compared with 'all she ought.'
This is
no light cross
but a severe mortification...
For the harder the penances
she can perform,
the better is she pleased.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: # 13 ]
St. Teresa gives two perspectives
regarding the Seventh Mansions:
1). Its Relatedness to the 6th Mansions
That the 7th Mansion, the Spiritual Marriage,
may be seen as a progressional continuum
of the 6th Mansion, the Spirtual Betrothal,
"The door leading from one to the other
being wide open"
"No door is required to enter it."
If the soul spiritually progresses
in the 6th Mansions,
with the help of God,
it will encounter those graces and attributes
of the 7th Mansions
with the stipulation that
"some things in the last rooms
are only shown to those
who get thus far"
2). Its Difference from the 6th Mansions
"Vast difference...between the visions seen"
in this mansion and in the former mansions"
"There is the same distinction between
spiritual espousals and spiritual marriage
as between people...only betrothed and
others...united for ever in holy matrimony"
█ St. Teresa Advises:
▀ Detachment
"Our Lord's words act within us, ...
they must have wrought their effect
in the souls already disposed
- to banish from within themselves
all that is corporal
- to retain only what is spiritual,
in order to be joined in this celestial union
with the uncreated Spirit.
Without doubt,
if we
- empty ourselves of all
that belongs to the creature,
- depriving ourselves of it
for the love of God,
that same Lord will fill us with Himself."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #9 ]
"It is we
who fail by
not disposing ourselves fitly,
nor removing all
that can obstruct this light,
so that we do not behold ourselves
in this mirror
wherein our image is engraved.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 2: #11 ]
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 7 Chapter 2
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila