The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 7 - Chapter 1
Discussion of Mansion 7 Chapter 1
█ Summary or Highlights
█ Advantages of Learning of these favors
which God Bestows on those
whom He brings to these advanced Mansions
■ Gratitude and Praise for God
▪ For His Mercy
▪ To Recognize the Value of the Soul
▪ To Inform
that such favors exist and are possible
if God wills to bestow them.
▪ To Urge one by prayer, by good works,
and by effort
to practice the virtues with the help of God
to labor to dispose oneself
toward advancement to God
▪ To Guide
how to proceed if one is granted this grace.
█ Before the Spiritual Marriage
■ The Lord brings the Bride to the 7th Mansion
■ The 7th Mansion is His abode within the Soul
■ Those whom God Brings to the 7th Mansion
█ Spiritual Marriage
▪ The Lord Unites the Soul to Himself
▪ The soul feels called
"to enter its own centre"
■ Comparison to the Prayer of Union
▀ Intellectual Vision
of the Most Blessed Trinity
■ The Soul is Sensible and Certain
of the Blessed Trinity dwelling within.
▪ The Presence, Although Lasting,
Is Not always Very Distinct
▪ The Soul, by its own efforts,
is unable to manifest this vision
■ Sublime Spiritual Knowledge
▀ The Fruits of this Mansion
■ More Active in God's Service
■ Certainty of God's Presence
■ More Careful Not to offend God
■ Preparation for further advancement
toward God
■ Further Growth of Virtues
■ By the Spiritual Wisdom,
inherent in this Gift,
Faith is strengthened and Ratified
■ Interior Peace
▪ Interior Peace Yet Exterior Trials
▪ Eventuating a Discovery of a Distiction
Between the Soul and the Spirit
▪ Also, a Distinction
Between the Soul and its Faculties
▀ Discussion of the Soul in Mortal Sin
▪ May God be Merciful to them
as He was to us
■ The Importance of Praying
for the souls in mortal sin
█ Advantages of Learning of these favors
which God Bestows on those
whom He brings to these advanced Mansions
St. Teresa explained,
"my object
is to reveal His mercies
for the praise and glory of His name."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 1 ]
"so long as God is
but a little better praised and known"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 2 ]
She begged God to teach and guide her
as to what to write and how to describe
"of the much there is to tell".
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 1 ]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Through her writing, with God's help,
she hoped to further in her readers:
■ Gratitude and Praise for God
▪ For His Mercy
"He has shown great mercy
in communicating these mysteries to one
who could recount them to us,
For as we learn more
of His intercourse with creatures,
we ought
to praise Him more fervently".
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 1 ]
▪ To Recognize the Value of the Soul
"to esteem more highly the soul
in which He so delights."
"Each of us possesses a soul
but we do not realize its value
as made in the image of God,
therefore we fail to understand
the important secrets it contains."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 1 ]
▪ To Inform
that such favors exist and are possible
if God wills to bestow them.
"to tell
of His revelations to the souls
He leads into this mansion."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 1 ]
▪ To urge one by prayer, by good works,
and by effort to practice the virtues
with the help of God
to labor to dispose oneself
toward advancement to God
"that you may discover
how vital it is for you
to put no obstacle in the way
of the Spiritual Marriage
of the Bridegroom with your soul
which brings...
such signal blessings with it.
▪ To Guide
how to proceed if one is granted this grace.
█ Before the Spiritual Marriage
■ The Lord brings the Bride to the 7th Mansion
"...before consummating
the celestial marriage,
( Our Lord ) brings her into this His mansion
or Presence Chamber."
This is the Seventh Mansion"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 3 ]
"When His Majesty deigns to bestow
on the soul
the grace of these divine nuptials,
He brings it into His PresenceChamber
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 7 ]
■ The 7th Mansion is His abode within the Soul
▪ The 7th Mansion is His Presence Chamber
• In addition to God's abode in Heaven,
there is a Second Heaven
in the Center of the soul
where He also abides
"for as He has a dwelling-place in heaven,
so has He in the soul,
where none but He may abide
which may be termed a second heaven."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 3 ]
"... the soul (is) an interior world
containing the number of beautiful mansions the centre of the soul,
there is
a mansion reserved for God Himself.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 6 ]
"How wonderful it is
that He Who by His immensity
could fill a thousand worlds
should enclose Himself
within so narrow a compass!"
[Way of Perfection: Ch. 28: #11]
■ Those whom God Brings to the 7th Mansion
- whom "He has
spiritually taken for His bride"
"When our Lord is pleased
to take pity on the sufferings,
both past and present,
endured through her longing for Him
by this soul
which He has spiritually taken
for His bride,
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 3 ]
"because God is in no way subject to laws.
He bestows such graces
as He pleases
to whomsoever He pleases."
You only have, therefore, on your side,
- to keep yourself continually submissive
to the interior dispositions
that you experience at each moment,
- only willing what God wills,
for as long as He wills it."
[ Abandonment to Divine Providence
Jean-Pierre de Caussade, S.J.
Letter II.-Good Symptoms.
To the same Sister. Alby, 1732. ]
█ Spiritual Marriage
▀ Discussion of the Soul in Mortal Sin
In describing the value of the soul,
St.Teresa assures one of its inner light from God.
"we should not fancy the soul to be
in darkness...
wrapt in obscurity."
However, darkness is more descriptive of
of the soul in mortal sin.
"This is indeed the case
with a soul out of the state of grace"
Although God is present to continue "its being"
"...the soul itself is
- incapable of receiving the light...
- unable to perform any meritorious action"
▪ May God be Merciful to them
as He was to us
"Well may we pity them
when we reflect
that we ourselves were once
in the same state
that God may show them mercy also.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 4 ]
■ The Importance of Praying
for the souls in mortal sin
"Let us, then...
be most zealous in interceding for them
never neglect it.'
"To pray for a soul in mortal sin
is a far more profitable form of almsgiving
than it would be to help a Christian
whom we saw...on the point of dying"
"not a temporal death,
but an eternal one."
"What if by your prayers
you could loose his bonds?"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 5 ]
"For the love of God,
I implore you constantly
to remember in your prayers
souls in a like case.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 7: Ch. 1: # 6 ]
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 7 Chapter 1
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila