The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 6 - Chapter 8
Discussion of Mansion 6 Chapter 8
█ Summary or Highlights
▀ God May Communicate with the Soul
"By Wonderful Apparitions and Visions"
▀ Why St. Teresa is describing the Graces
that God May Bestow to Souls
█ Operation of Love: An Intellectual Vision
A Perception that God is at their side.
▀ Duration
▀ Fruits or Beneficial Effects
of this Intellectual Vision
▪ Strengthens and Encourages the Soul
▪ Continuous Recollection of God
▪ Increase in the Love for God
▪ Desire to Please God and
Never to Offend Him
▪ Interior Peace
▪ Detachment
▪ Humility
▪ Spiritual Knowledge
▪ Purification of One's Conscience
▪ Preparation for Future Graces
▀ Not a Deception or Delusion
▀ Those upon Whom God Bestows This Grace
■ Bestowed by God according to His Will
■ These Favors Are
Not a Guarantee of Holiness
■ Favors Can be a Gift from God
Given in order to Fortify a Weak Soul
■ Not Acquired or Merited
By One's Own Efforts
▀ St. Teresa's Advice for Those
Upon Whom God Bestows this Grace
■ Consultation with a Spiritual Confessor
■ Prayer
■ Proceed with Care and Caution
■ Gratitude and Praise to God
■ Persevere and Intensify Efforts
to Serve God
█ Operation of Love: An Intellectual Vision
( for example )
A Perception that God is at their side.
St. Teresa describes an Intellectual Vision
which reveals to the soul with a certitude
that God is very close at hand, at their side.
"She was conscious
of His being at her right hand,
although not in the way
we know an ordinary person to be beside us
but in a more subtle manner
which cannot be described.
Yet this presence is quite
as evident and certain"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #4 ]
"for although we know
that God sees all we do,
(and is always present with us)
yet nature inclines us
to grow careless and forgetful of it".
But during this Intellectual Vision,
it is "impossible" to forget,
"since our Lord makes the soul conscious
that He is close at hand"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #6 ]
▪ Described as a Perception or Feeling
"For example,
a conscious
that Jesus Christ stands by her side
although she sees Him
neither with the eyes of the body
nor of the soul.
This is called an intellectual vision"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #2 ]
"so convinced did she feel
that Jesus Christ was thus
in some way manifesting Himself "
"felt certain of our Lord's presence"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #2 ]
"Whenever she desired to speak
to His Majesty in prayer,
or even at other times,
He seemed so close
that He could not fail to hear her "
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #4 ]
"Who seemed ever by her side,
watching her."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #4 ]
"...I was in prayer one day,...
when I saw Christ close by me,
or, to speak more correctly, felt Him;
for I saw
nothing with the eyes of the body,
nothing with the eyes of the soul.
He seemed to me
to be close beside me...
Jesus Christ seemed to be
by my side continually...
but I had a most distinct feeling
that He was always on my right hand,
a witness of all I did; ..."
[ Life: Ch. 27: #3 ]
"but, without seeing anything...
She...feels that another is close beside her;
...she sees him not,
yet is certain that he is there present."
[ Relation 7: #26 ]
▪ Described as Perceiving Words
"Although people constantly cautioned her
against this vision,
as a rule
she found it impossible to disbelieve in it,
especially when she heard the words:
'It is I, be not afraid' "
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #3 ]
"that she was sure
- it was the fact
that it was He Who spoke to her
- it was no trick of her imagination"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #4 ]
▪ St. Teresa also Describes a Perception
of the Company of a Saint
"At times we may enjoy the company
of some saint,
which also brings us great profit."
"It seems easy to recognize our Lord
when He speaks,
but it is surprising
how the soul can,
without hearing a word from him,
recognize which saint
has been sent by God
to be its companion and helper."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 8: #7 ]
"I had recourse also
to St. Peter and St. Paul...
"I used to see them frequently most distinctly
on my left hand;
but that vision was not imaginary.
These glorious Saints
were my very good lords."
[ Life: Ch. 29: #6 ]
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 6 Chapter 8
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila