The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 6 - Chapter 7
Discussion of Mansion 6 Chapter 7
█ Summary or Highights
█ The Soul's Sorrow For Sin
■ "Sorrow for sin increases
in proportion to the divine grace received."
■ Sorrow Not from Fear of Punishment
■ But Sorrow for its Offense and Ingratitude
to her Loving God
▀ The Soul's Great Fear
■ Is Not A Fear of Punishment
■ But Fear of Offending God in the Future
▀ St. Teresa Recommendations:
■ Benefiting from the Remembrance
of Past Sins
• Humility
• Self Knowledge
█ St. Teresa's Teaching regarding Meditation
▄ The Importance of Meditation on
the Sacred Humanity of Christ
▄ St. Teresa shows How to Meditate on
the Sacred Humanity of Christ
▀ Regarding Inability to Meditate Discursively
by the Intellect
■ When a soul, by nature, lacks the ability
to reason with the Intellect in prayer
■ When, if, the soul is led by God
to Passive prayer (Contemplation)
■ When, if, After Contemplation,
the Intellect is "less apt for meditation"
▪ Yet, St. Teresa advises that
although the Intellect
can not cogitate and scrutinize
it can dwell with gratitude and love
on these mysteries
• With a Simple Gaze
▪ Recruiting the Ardor of the Will
▄ The Importance of returning to
the Meditation on the Sacred Humanity
when the soul is able to reason.
■ Contemplation is not a continuous state
▪ St. Teresa advises:
◦ Detachment from Consolations
◦ Beware of self-deception
◦ Active Prayer and Good Works
◦ With Humility,
Follow Where God Leads
■ Contemplation
is a Supernatural Gift of God:
One can neither prolong it or initiate it again
by their own efforts
■ The Need to Resume Discursive Meditation
so that the Intellect may enkindle the Will
in Prayer
█ Her Former Mistakes Regarding Meditation
▀ Error: She, for a short time, did not meditate
on the Sacred Humanity of Christ
But rather practiced a non-corporeal
meditation on the Divinity
▀ Her Refutation of non-corporeal Meditation
■ Her Refutation of its inclusion of Christ
as a corporal object
from which to abstain in meditation.
■ Her Refutation of attempting to meditate
on the infinite with our limited capacity
■ She Refutes it by reason
of its Lack of Humility
■ She Refutes it because
it withdraws the attention and ardor
from Christ,
separating the soul
from His loving support
■ She Refutes it because
it Hinders Progress in Prayer
■ She Refutes it because the soul
seeks its own will
rather than await the Will of God
█ The Soul's Sorrow For Sin
█ St. Teresa's Teaching regarding Meditation
█ Her Former Mistakes Regarding Meditation
"The mistake I formerly made...
• (not) meditating on our Lord Jesus Christ,
• preferring to remain absorbed,
• awaiting spiritual consolations."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 7: #18 ]
"The mistake I formerly made....
I did not care so much
about meditating on our Lord Jesus Christ,
preferring to remain absorbed,
awaiting spiritual consolations."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 7: #18 ]
Regarding her previous mistakes,
St. Teresa wanted others to learn
from her experience
in order that they would not be hindered in prayer.
"I think it important...
it will serve for a lesson
that possibly may be necessary"
The Lord
"by showing Thyself to me so many times…
that I might
- clearly perceive
how great my delusion was,
and also
- tell it to many persons;
which I have done,
as well as
- describe it as I am doing now.
"I believe myself that this is
the reason why so many souls,
after advancing to the prayer of union,
make no further progress,
do not attain to very great liberty of spirit."
[ Life: Ch. 22: # 5]
"Thus I
- lost much time and
- did not advance in virtue
- nor make progress in prayer."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch.7: #18]
"I did not understand the reason,
as I believed that I was acting wisely,
I think I should never have learnt it
but for the advice of a servant of God
whom I consulted about my mode of prayer.
Then I perceived plainly
how mistaken I had been
I have never ceased regretting
that there was a time when I did not realize
how difficult it would be
to gain by so great a loss.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 7: #19]
"And so it pleased Thee, in Thy goodness,
to succour me,
by sending me one who has delivered me
from this delusion;
[ Life: Ch. 22: # 5]
"I consider this a most dangerous idea
whereby the devil might end
by robbing us of our devotion
to the most blessed Sacrament.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Ch. 7: #17 ]
"I never think of this opinion,
which I then held,
without pain;
I believe it was an act of high treason,
though done in ignorance."
[ Life: Ch. 22: # 4 ]
"I will not think that I was blamable,
for I was very sorry for it,
it was certainly done in ignorance.
[ Life: Ch. 22: # 5]
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 6 Chapter 7
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila