The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 6 - Chapter 6
Discussion of Mansion 6 Chapter 6█ Summary or Highlights
▀ The Bridegroom's Love and Communications
▀ The Soul's Intense Longing for God
▪ The Search
▪ The Remembrance of His Communications
▪ Pleading for His Return
▀ The Soul Longs for Death
▀ Yet, The Soul Longs to Live
To Suffer for God
To Praise God and Lead Others to Praise God
■ But, often, the Soul lacks Courage
▪ Too timorous undertake any work for God
▪ Fear of Displeasing God
▪ Yet, these Fears Engender
Humility and Trust in God
▀ The Soul's Deliberation over these Favors
■ Confident that one is being led by God
■ Yet, the Soul Fears Deception
■ Misunderstood and Suspected by Others
■ Prays To Be Led By Some Other Way
■ Yet, She Can't Resist Desiring these Favors
█ St. Teresa Teaches:
▀ When Ardent Desires Need Restraint
■ When they incur distress
■ When they are a Deception
■ St. Teresa's Recommendations
▪ These favors are a grace and gift of God
▪ These favors can not
be deserved or acquired
▀ Regarding True Ardent Desires
▀ Works, Not Tears, Are Asked By God.
▀ Prayer
█ God's Operation of Love:
'The Jubilee of the Soul'
■ To Praise God Is Its One Desire.
■ The Soul Desires that Others Praise God, too
■ This Grace is a Supernatural Gift of God
One can not acquire it by its own efforts.
■ Confident that one is being Led by God
■ The Faculties and The Senses
■ Duration
█ God's Operation of Love:
'The Jubilee of the Soul'
"Our Lord sometimes causes in the soul
a certain jubilation
a strange and mysterious kind of prayer once painful and pleasant"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #11 ]
■ "To praise its one desire."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #11 ]
"In this state of prayer,
a person is rendered by this jubilee
so forgetful of self and everything else
that she can
neither think
nor speak of anything
but praising God,
to which her joy prompts her.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #15 ]
■ The Soul Desires that Others Praise God, too
"So excessive is its jubilee
that the soul will not enjoy it alone
but speaks of it
to all around
so that they may help it to praise God,
which is its one desire.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #11 ]
to invite all her friends to feast with her
(that)... they might proclaim
the praises of their God.
It requires a painful effort
to keep silent
to dissemble such impulsive happiness."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #12 ]
"St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi ( a Carmelite Nun)...said
'Do you not know, my dear Sisters,
that Jesus Christ is nothing but Love.
He is even mad with love'…
And she added that she wished…
that all the people in the world...
should come to love Jesus"
[ The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ:
Reflections and Affections on the Passion...
Chapter 2: # VIII: Page 39
St. Alphonsus de Liguori ]
■ This Grace is a Supernatural Gift of God
One can not acquire it by its own efforts.
"May His Majesty often grant us
this kind of prayer
which is most safe and beneficial;
We cannot acquire it for ourselves
as it is quite supernatural.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #15 ]
"If He bestows this grace on you,
praise Him fervently for it"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #11 ]
■ Confident that one is being Led by God
"she cannot doubt its security...
(at least for the time being)...
for the devil could not possibly
infuse a joy and peace
into the very centre of her being
which make her whole delight
consist in urging others to praise God.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #12 ]
■ The Faculties and The Senses
"the faculties of the soul
are closely united to God
but...He leaves them at liberty
to rejoice in their happiness
together with the senses,
although they do not know
what they are enjoying
nor how they do so."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #11 ]
"the soul is
like one inebriated,
although not deprived of the senses"
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #15 ]
▪ Not melancholia, hysteria, or such
nor like a person afflicted with melancholia,
in which, though
the reason
is not entirely lost,
the imagination continually dwells
on some subject which possesses it
and from which it cannot be freed.
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #15 ]
■ Duration
"Sometimes it lasts for a whole day."
[ Interior Castle: Mansion 6:
Chapter 6: #15 ]
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 6 Chapter 6
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila