The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 6 - Chapter 5
Discussion of Mansion 6 Chapter 5
Summary or Highlights
█ Rapture
█ The Operation of Love:
The 'flight of the Spirit'
▀ The Confirmation of the Spiritual Betrothal
▀ Characteristics
■ Movement of the Soul: rapid, elevating
■ Irresistible: Can not be controlled
■ Spiritual Knowledge
▀ Aftermath: The Fruits of Rapture
"Peace, Calm, and Good Fruits", Virtue
■ "Three Graces of a very high order."
▪ Knowledge of the Greatness of God
▪ Self- Knowledge and Humility
▪ Detachment
■ Courage
▀ St. Teresa's Advice to Those
"Who have received these or like favours"
■ Thanksgiving and Acknowledgement
of His Mercy and Favors
■ Avoidance of the Occasions of Sin
■ Great Courage needed
for the loss of bodily control
■ Humility and Self-Knowledge
■ Great Courage needed
at the acknowledgment of
such great favors from God
the debt of love owed to Him
■ Persevere in Prayer and Serving God
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 6 Chapter 5
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Attempt was made to display the quotes
of the other books being cited
by the editor's foot notes.
But, they may not be the actual intended passages
that were cited by the editor
since the editions/translations used by the editor
may have different paragraph numbering
than those available to this blog. |