The Interior Castle or The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Discussion of Mansion 6 - Chapter 3
The Editor explains the various kinds
of Vision and Locution:
Corporal, Imaginary, and Intellectual
The senses function normally
while the object is supernatural:
"only apparant"; an apparition
[ Introductory Note To Chapter 3: # I ]
■ Corporal Vision
■ Corporal Locution
The senses are bypassed. (eyes, ears, etc.)
The object is presented directly
to the Imagination supernaturally.
Normally, "The Imagination
stands half-way
between the senses and the intellect".
The Imagination
"receiv(es) impressions from the senses
transmit(s) them to the intellect."
[ Introductory Note To Chapter 3: # II ]
Here, 'Imaginary' does not mean 'pretend'
or 'make-believe'
■ An Imaginary Vision
■ An Imaginary Locution
■ Imaginary Visions and Locutions
are dangerous
■ Imaginary Visions and Locutions
are not Hallucinations
The senses are bypassed. (eyes, ears, etc.)
The Imagination and memory are bypassed.
The object is presented directly
to the Intellect supernaturally.
■ An Intellectual Vision
■ An Intellectual Locution
■ Why they are far less dangerous
than Corporal or Imaginary
Visions and Locutions
█ Continuation from the previous chapter
on the 'Operations of Love'
which God may bestow on those
whom He leads to the Sixth Mansions
( How "God arouses the soul" to Love )
"...that it may be some guide to those
who may experience such favours."
█ Locutions received by the Faculty
of the Imagination
█ The Signs Distinguishing:
• the Source of Locutions
• When these Locutions are Dangerous
▀ Genuine Locutions: Their Signs
▀ Locutions derived from one's self
▀ Locutions derived from the devil
█ St. Teresa's Advice regarding Locutions
▀ St. Teresa's General Recommendations
Regarding Locutions
▀ Particular Advice regarding locutions
that disagree with Holy Scripture
▀ Particular Advice
for those receiving helpful locutions
▀ Particular Advice for those whose locutions
were discerned to be Genuine
█ Interior ( Intellectual) Locutions
█ The Signs of Genuine Interior Locutions
▀ The First Sign of Genuine Interior Locutions
▀ The Second Sign of Genuine Interior Locutions
▀ The Third Sign of Genuine Interior Locutions
▀ The Fourth Sign of Genuine Interior Locutions
▀ The Fifth Sign of Genuine Interior Locutions
▀ Additional Proof:
The Fruits of Genuine Locutions
■ Humility
■ Detachment from self: Attachment to God
■ Conformity with the Will of God
▀ Additional Characteristics
of Genuine Locutions
■ The soul can not avoid listening
■ The soul can not distract its attention
away from the locutions
▀ Discernment regarding Interior Locutions:
■ Self-deception: One's Imagination
■ Deception by the devil
The Editor explains the various kinds
of Vision and Locution:
Corporal, Imaginary, and Intellectual
The senses function normally
while the object is supernatural:
"only apparant"; an apparition
[ Introductory Note To Chapter 3: # I ]
■ Corporal Vision
Corporal Vision
Normal vision
When one sees a bodily object.
e.g. one sees a person
The eyes are exercising
their normal function,
Eyes are exercising
their normal function,
The object seen is
either only apparent
or is not such as it seems to be.
The person seen
is real
Tobias' companion, Azarias,
was not a real human being,
but an archangel in human form.
Tobias did really see and hear him,
the archangel made himself visible
by means of an assumed body,
or perhaps an apparent body
It would be more correct
to describe such a phenomenon
than as a Vision,
"Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": #I:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3
■ Corporal Locution
Corporal Locution
Normal vision
When one hears words uttered
e.g. one hears words
spoken by another
The ears are exercising
their normal function,
Ears are exercising
their normal function,
The object heard is
either only apparent
or is not such as it seems to be.
"The words perceived
come from a real tongue"
Tobias' companion, Azarias,
was not a real human being,
but an archangel in human form.
Tobias did really see and hear him,
the archangel made himself audible
by means of an assumed body,
or perhaps an apparent body
It would be more correct
to describe such a phenomenon
than as a Vision or locution
| |
"Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": #I:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3
| |
The senses are bypassed. (eyes, ears, etc.)
The object is presented directly
to the Imagination supernaturally.
Normally, "The Imagination stands half-way
between the senses and the intellect"
The Imagination
"receiv(es) impressions from the senses
transmit(s) them to the intellect."
[ Introductory Note To Chapter 3:#II ]
Here, 'Imaginary' does not mean 'pretend'
or 'make-believe'.
■ An Imaginary Vision
Imaginary Vision
Normal Vision
Nothing is seen
by the sense of seeing
An object seen by the eyes,
the sense of seeing
The imagination receives
the impression
"from an extraneous power
(good or evil)"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"The impression received
is the same
that would be produced
upon the imagination
by the senses
if some real object were perceived
by the senses."
The imagination receives
the impression
from the senses |
The imagination transmits them
to the intellect
The imagination transmits
them to the intellect
The object is something
" which the memory
neither has
nor ever has
had cognizance."
But "the Imagination
is closely connected
with the Memory,
so that it is frequently impossible
to ascertain
whether a Vision
is not perhaps a semi-conscious
or unconscious reproduction
of scenes witnessed"
e.g. Imaginary Visions
"St. Stephen, who saw
the heavens opened,
the Son of Man standing
on the right hand of God"
These Visions
are not hallucinations.
are due to physical disorder which
- affects the memory
- causes it to represent impressions
formerly received by it,
in a disorderly and
often grotesque manner.
"Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # II:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
Imaginary Vision
Any image, form, figure and species.
Represented to the imagination supernaturally
Without any assistance of the outward senses.
thus present(ed) the understanding,
whereupon the understanding
considers them and judges them.
[ Ascent of Mt Carmel: Bk2:
Ch. 16: #2
St. John of the Cross
Translation: E.A. Peers ]
■ An Imaginary Locution
Imaginary Locution
Normal (natural) Hearing
Nothing is heard
by the senses of hearing
A sound heard by the ears,
the sense of hearing
The imagination receives
the impression
"from an extraneous power
(good or evil)"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"The impression received
is the same
that would be produced
upon the imagination
by the senses
if some real object were perceived
by the senses."
The imagination receives
the sound impression
from the senses
The imagination transmits them
to the intellect
The imagination transmits
them to the intellect
The object is something
" which the memory
neither has
nor ever has
had cognizance."
But "the Imagination
is closely connected
with the Memory,
so that it is frequently
impossible to ascertain whether a Vision
is not perhaps a semi-conscious
or unconscious reproduction
of scenes witnessed"
| |
e.g. Imaginary Locutions
"St. Peter, who saw
the heaven opened... and
there came a voice to him:
'Arise, Peter...'
(Acts, vii. 55; X. 11-13)"
| |
These Locutions
are not hallucinations.
are due to physical disorder
- affects the memory
- causes it to represent
formerly received by it,
in a disorderly and
often grotesque manner.
| |
"Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # II:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
| |
■ Imaginary Visions and Locutions
are dangerous
"...the reason
why Imaginary Visions and Locutions
are so dangerous" is because
there is a great risk of being deceived:
Frequently one can not distinguish their source;
whether it is
an Imaginary Vision from God
a deception
a deception
from the devil
from one's own self .
"Deception to be feared."
◦ "self-deception: willful or unwillful"
"the Imagination is closely connected
with the Memory,
so that it is frequently impossible to ascertain
whether a Vision, etc.,
whether a Vision, etc.,
is not perhaps
a semi-conscious or unconscious
reproduction of scenes witnessed. "
◦ "deception by a higher agency" ( the devil)
[ "Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # II:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
▪ Not to be trusted or sought
"Hence, the general rule (is)
that such Visions or Locutions
should only be trusted
upon the strongest grounds."
"...according to
St. Teresa, St. John of the Cross,
and other spiritual writers,
they should
not only never be sought for,
but, as much as possible, shunned
and under all circumstances
[ Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # II:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
■ Imaginary Visions and Locutions
are not Hallucinations
"These Visions, Locutions, etc.,
are not hallucinations.
"are due to physical disorder which
- affects the memory
- causes it to represent impressions
formerly received by it,
in a disorderly and often grotesque manner.
▪ An Imaginary Vision is not the product
of illness, stored memories, or active thought.
The Imaginary Vision
- "takes place independently
of a morbid state,
- is caused by an extraneous power,
good or evil,
- has for its object,
things of which the memory
neither has
nor ever has
had cognizance."
[ "Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # II:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
The senses are bypassed. (eyes, ears, etc.)
The Imagination and memory are bypassed.
The object is presented directly
to the Intellect supernaturally.
■ An Intellectual Vision
A Natural Vision
Nothing is seen or heard
by the eyes or ears
is seen by the eyes,
by the sense of sight
No sensation is received
by the imagination.
The visual Sensation is
by the imagination
(from the senses)
( treasured up in the memory,
...available at demand )
The impression
is directly imprinted
upon the intellect
The impression...delivered
by the imagination
to the intellect,
(without co-operation
on the part of
the senses,
the imagination,
the memory )
The senses, imagination,
and memory are all involved.
The impression is
too exalted for the memory
to receive it,
so that such Visions are
only imperfectly remembered
and sometimes
altogether forgotten
| |
An instance of such a vision
is mentioned by St. Paul:
"I know a man in Christ
(whether in the body,
I know not,
or out of the body
I know not…)
such an one rapt
even to the third heaven...
he was caught up into paradise
(2 Cor. xii. 2-4)."
| |
"Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # III:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
■ An Intellectual Locution
A Natural Sound
Nothing is seen or heard
by the eyes or ears
is heard by the ears,
by the sense of hearing
No sensation is received
by the imagination.
The audible sensation
is received
by the imagination
(from the senses)
( treasured up in the memory,
...available at demand )
The impression
is directly imprinted
upon the intellect
The impression...delivered
by the imagination
to the intellect,
(without co-operation
on the part of
the senses,
the imagination,
the memory )
The senses, imagination,
and memory are all involved.
The impression is
too exalted for the memory
to receive it,
so that such impressions are
only imperfectly remembered
and sometimes
altogether forgotten
| |
An instance of such a locution
is mentioned by St. Paul:
'...he was caught up into paradise,
and heard secret words,
which it is not granted to man
to utter'
(2 Cor. xii. 2-4)."
| |
"Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # III:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
■ Why Intellectual Visions or Locutions
are far less dangerous
than Corporal or Imaginary Visions
and Locutions,
"they are far less dangerous
than Corporal or Imaginary
Visions and Locutions,
- the senses and imagination
have nothing to do with them,
- whilst evil spirits are unable
to act directly upon the mind,
- self-deception is altogether excluded
for the reasons stated by St. Teresa.
(See Mansion 6: Ch. 3 )
[ Introductory Note To Chapter 3
By The Editor": # III:
Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3 ]
█ Continuation from the previous chapter
on the 'Operations of Love'
which may God may bestow on those
whom He leads to the Sixth Mansions
( How "God arouses the soul" to Love )
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #1]
"...that it may be some guide to those
who may experience such favours."
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #27]
█ Locutions Received by the Faculty
of the Imagination
▪ are "...another manner" in which
God arouses the soul"
▪ "by means of words addressed to the soul
in many different ways"
▪ Location or Direction of the sound
"Sometimes (speech/ words) appear to come
from without;
At other times
from the inner depths of the soul;
or again,
from its superior part;
while other speeches are
so exterior
as to be heard by the ears
like a real voice."
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #1]
▪ "apparently a greater favour
than the above mentioned"
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #1]
(In the previous chapter, St. Teresa described
The Call of the Bridegroom and
The Wound of Love. - Mansion 6: Ch. 2)
▪ "yet may prove more dangerous"
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #1]
▪ Source of the Locutions
"may come either from:
◦ God"
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #4]
"They say that communications...
in this mansion,
are not uttered directly by God
but are transmitted by an angel.
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #10]
◦ "the devil,
◦ the imagination."
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #4]
█ The Signs Distinguishing:
• the Source of Locutions
• When these Locutions are Dangerous
█ St. Teresa's Advice regarding Locutions
█ Interior ( Intellectual ) locutions
"God speaks to the soul
in another way
by a certain intellectual vision
which...proceeds from Him"
it will be described later on.
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #19]
(See Mansion 6: Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 )
▪ Location of the speech
"It takes place
far within the innermost depths of the soul
which appears to hear distinctly...the words...
in a most mysterious manner,
with its spiritual hearing"
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #19]
▪ Source
"spoken to it
by our Lord Himself."
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #19]
▪ That God is the source
is shown by their fruits
"The way
in which the spirit perceives these words
the results produced by them,
convince us
that they cannot in any way come
from the devil.
Their powerful aftereffects
force us to admit this
plainly show
they do not spring from the imagination."
[Interior Castle: Mansion 6: Ch. 3: #19]
End of the Discussion of
Mansion 6 Chapter 3
The Interior Castle
The Mansions
S. Teresa of Jesus
of the Order of our Lady of Carmel
St. Teresa of Avila
Attempt was made to display the quotes
of the other books being cited
by the editor's foot notes.
But, they may not be the actual intended passages
that were cited by the editor
since the editions/translations used by the editor
may have different paragraph numbering
than those available to this blog. |