The Interior Castle or The Mansions of S. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of our Lady of Carmel Discussion of Mansion 3 - Chapter 2 |
Discussion ▀ The Inhabitants of the Third Mansions ■ Fruits ▪ Prayer; Striving for virtue; Moderation of senses, appetites ▪ Detachment ■ Faults ▪ Failure to conform to the Will of God Failure to embrace the Cross Failure to accept trials Unwarranted Disturbance of Peace due to "slight earthly trials" ▪ Lack of Self-Knowledge ▪ Overcautiousness which often rationalizes or disguises their attachment to their own will ▀ The Benefits of These Trials ▪ Teaches Humility ▪ Teaches Self-Knowledge ■ St. Teresa offers examples of trials and common reactions of those who inhabit the Third Mansions ▀ Progression to the 4th Mansions: ■ Conformity to the Will of God Acceptance of God's Will ▪ Patience ■ Humility ■ Self-Knowledge ■ Love ■ Obedience and Detachment from one's own Will Seek a Spiritual Director ■ Avoidance of temptations and the occasions of sin ■ Warns against an excess of caution ▀ Regarding Consolations ■ More likely to be granted in the advanced mansions ■ Consolations are bestowed according to God's Will and Mercy ■ Advantages of learning about Consolations |
▀ The Inhabitants of the Third Mansions ■ Fruits ▪ Prayer; Striving for virtue; Moderation of senses, appetites "a regular and well-ordered life, both of body and mind" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #1 ] "they wish to serve our Lord [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #9 ] ▪ Detachment "have gained...mastery over this world, or...extremely detached from it" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #1 ] ( but often may still be attached to their own will as shown by the faults listed just below ( disturbance of peace and overcautiousness, etc. ) ) ■ Faults ▪ Failure to conform to the Will of God Failure to embrace the Cross Failure to accept trials Unwarranted Disturbance of Peace due to "slight earthly trials" (Paragraph #3) "very moderate trials" (Paragraph #1) "if His Majesty sends very moderate trials, they become so disturbed and disheartened" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #1 ] ▪ Lack of Self-Knowledge "they believe their conduct is saintly, and wish others to agree with them." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #3 ] ► St. Teresa advises that: ◦ "Advice is useless; - having practised virtue for so long they think themselves capable of teaching it, and - believe that they have abundant reason to feel miserable." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #1 ] ◦ "The only way to help them is to compassionate their troubles" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #2 ] ◦ "They must not be argued with for they - are convinced they suffer only for God's sake, and - cannot be made to understand they are acting imperfectly, which is a further error in persons so far advanced. [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #2 ] ◦ It may be expected that one would initially be anxious about "these trials for a time, but I think they ought speedily to overcome their concern about such matters." ▪ Overcautiousness which often rationalizes or disguises their attachment to their own will ( and comforts) Worry or Rationalizations impede their commitment. This is not prudence but attachment. "they are very discreet in their mortifications lest they should injure their health. Never fear they will kill themselves: They are far too sensible! Their love is not strong enough to overcome their reason" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #9 ] "for we should see that we were deceiving the whole world, and ourselves into the bargain. Well, we make our vow of poverty, and then one of us, believing be keeping it, says: "I do not want anything, but I am having this because I cannot do without it: after all, if I am to serve God, I must live, and He wants us to keep these bodies of ours alive." So the devil, in his angelic disguise, suggests to her that there are a thousand different things which she needs and that they are all good for her. ...he is persuading her to believe - that she is still being true to her vow and possesses the virtue of poverty and - that what she has done is no more than her duty. [ Way of Perf: Ch. 38: 10 ] "This may not involve any sin, but it is as well that we should learn to recognize our imperfections, so that we can see how far we are from possessing the virtue of poverty, which we must beg and obtain from God. If we think we already possess it, we shall grow careless, and, what is worse, we shall be deceiving ourselves. [ Way of Perf: ch. 38: 12 ] "We resolve to become poor... but we very often take great care not to be in want, not simply of what is necessary, but of what is superfluous: [ Life: Ch 11: #3 ] |
▀ The Benefits of These Trials ▪ Teaches Humility "though their behaviour may be faulty, yet they gain greatly in humility." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #3 ] "God, wishing His elect to realize their own misery, often temporarily withdraws His favours: no more is needed to prove to us in a very short time what we really are." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #2 ] ▪ Teaches Self-Knowledge "Souls soon learn in this way; (through trials) - they perceive their faults very clearly, and - sometimes the discovery of how quickly they are overcome by but slight earthly trials is more painful than the subtraction of God's sensible favours." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #3 ] "These will teach you whether you are really detached... [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #7 ] "Trifling occasions often occur... by which you can prove to yourselves whether you have obtained the mastery over your passions. [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #7 ] "It is encouraging to see that trials which seemed to us impossible to submit to - are possible to others, and - that they bear them sweetly. [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #18 ]
▀ Progression to the 4th Mansions: ■ Conformity to the Will of God Acceptance of God's Will - "practise the virtues and - submit our will in all things to the will of God. The object of our life must be to do what He requires of us: Let us not ask that our will may be done, but His." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #8 ] ▪ Patience "Whenever you have frequently to suffer, praise God for beginning to teach you this virtue ( of Patience ), and force yourself to suffer patiently, for this is a sign that He wants you to repay Him for the virtue which He is giving you" [ Way of Perf: Ch. 38: 7 ] ■ Humility "Extreme humility is the principal point. It is the want of this.... that stops people's progress. " "The way will be difficult and wearisome without self-renunciation, weighed down as we are by the burden and frailties of human nature..." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #12 ] "Virtue and humility are the essentials" "Humility is the ointment for our wounds; if we have it... God...will come and heal us." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #8 ] ► St. Teresa advises: "Let us be humble" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #8 ] "It may seem that we have made but little way: we should believe - that is the case, and - that our sisters are advancing much more rapidly than we are." Rather than attachment to esteem " ...we wish others to consider us the worst of all..." "If we act in this manner, our soul will do well; otherwise we - shall make no progress and - shall always remain the prey to a thousand troubles and miseries." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #12 ] "Humility more necessary than corporal penances." "our bodies are not the chief factors in the work we have before us; They are accessory: [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #12 ] ■ Self-Knowledge "Let us look at our own faults, and not at other persons'. " However, we might often learn a great deal that is essential from the very persons whom we censure." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #19 ] ▪ Avoiding "Misguided zeal for others." "They wish every one were as virtuous as they are" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #6 ] "We ought - not to insist on every one following in our footsteps, - nor to take upon ourselves to give instructions in spirituality when, perhaps, we do not even know what it is. Zeal for the good of souls, though given us by God, may often lead us astray" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #19 ] "Indiscreet zeal about others must not be indulged in... Let each one look to herself. ... Our souls may lose their peace and even disturb other people's if we are always criticizing trivial actions which often are not real defects at all, but we construe them wrongly through ignorance of their motives. [ Interior Castle: Mansion I: Ch. 2: #21 ] ■ Love "Let us look at our own faults, and not at other persons'. " [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #19 ] "For otherwise, little by little, the devil could easily - cool our charity toward our neighbours and - make us think that what is really a failing on our part, is perfection." "Commend to God any sister who is at fault and strive for your own part to practise the virtue which is the opposite of her fault with great perfection… Others, in their turn, will bear with your faults, which, if you include those of which you are not aware, must be much more numerous. [ Way of Perf: Ch.7 ] "Perfection consists in charity. The devil's chief aim here is to - cool the charity and - lessen the mutual affection ...true perfection consists in the love of God and our neighbour, and the better we keep both these commandments, the more perfect we shall be." [ Interior Castle: Mansion I: Ch. 2: #20 ] ■ Obedience and Detachment from one's will Seek Consultation, Spiritual Director "Souls... will be greatly benefited by practising prompt obedience... Even if they are not in the religious state, it would be well if they were to take a director, so as never to follow their own will, which is the cause of most of our ills. They should not choose one of their own turn of mind... who is over prudent in his actions, but should select one thoroughly detached from worldly things; It is very helpful to consult a person who has learnt and can teach this. [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #18 ] ■ Avoidance of temptations and the occasions of sin "However determined such persons may be not to offend our Lord, they must not expose themselves to temptation: they are still near the first mansions to which they might easily return. Their strength is not yet established on a solid foundation" Some great persecution, such as the devil knows how to raise to injure us, might make beginners turn back; While zealously trying to withdraw others from sin, they might succumb to the attacks made upon them." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #18 ] ■ Warns against an excess of caution St. Teresa stresses the importance of perseverance and commitment. This overcautiousness, like an overabundance of Prudence can sometimes unwarily be used to justify an attachment or lack of striving for spiritual progress. Overcautiousness can eventually lead to indulging oneself and avoiding one's resolutions and duties. "All things obstruct us while prudence rules our actions" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #11 ] (Instead of Love guiding us) "Their love is not strong enough to overcome their reason" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #9 ] "We are afraid of everything and therefore fear to make progress" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #11 ] ► St. Teresa advises: ⌂ "Leave our cares in God's hands" "Let us - exert ourselves, and - leave our reason and our fears in His hands, - paying no attention to the weaknesses of nature which might retard us." "Let our only care be to hasten to our Lord's presence" "...regard for health might mislead us and it would be none the better for our care" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #11 ] ⌂ "We should try to make rapid progress" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #10 ] "I wish it were-- that they might not be content to creep on their way to God: a pace that will never bring them to their journey's end!" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #9 ] "We seem to ourselves to be making progress, yet we become weary, Would it not be better to get it over at once, for it is full of dangers and serpents? [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #10 ] |
▀ Regarding Consolations ■ More likely to be granted in the advanced mansions ▪ "Consolations rarely received until the fourth mansions." Although "In these third mansions the Lord never fails to repay our services... Who always bestows on us far more than we deserve, ▪ "...He grants few consolations here, except, perhaps, occasionally to entice us to prepare ourselves to enter the last mansions by showing us their contents. ▪ "Difference...between sensible devotion and consolations "I think there is a very great difference" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #13 ] Perhaps St. Teresa will elaborate on this distinction in the future chapters but she seems to be referring to - those feelings of devoutness and peace which with the help the help of God. can occur with recollected prayer active recollection, discursive meditation (sensible devotions) in contrast to - those passive graces (consolation) which God may bestow on those who He brings into the later mansions. Perhaps, she is describing "sensible devotions" here: "those things which - produce a devotion - acquired in part by means of the understanding, though it can neither be merited nor had (acquired), if God grants it not. [ Life: Ch. 12: # 2 ] "(the soul) can make - many acts of good resolutions to do much for God, and enkindle its love; - other acts also, which may help the growth of virtues, because the understanding is active now. [ Life: Ch. 12: # 2 ] ▪ "Perfection does not consist in consolation but in greater love; "Perfection consists in love, not in reward." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #15 ] ■ Consolations are bestowed according to God's Will and Mercy "Those who do not receive these consolations may feel a despondency that is uncalled for, since Our reward will be in proportion to this (Love), and to the justice and sincerity of our actions." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #15 ] "if you are not to blame, the Lord is just: what He refuses in one way, His Majesty will give you in another, As He knows how; His secret ways are very mysterious, and doubtless He will do what is best for you" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #17 ] ▪ Not be attached to Spiritual Rewards "It is best for a soul which God has not raised to a higher state than this not to try to rise of itself. Let this be well considered, because all the soul will gain in that way will be a loss." [ Life: Ch. 12: # 2 ] St. Teresa provided a good model for Humility and Detachment: "In this she spent about two-and-twenty years in great aridities, and never did it enter into her thoughts to desire anything else; for she regarded herself as one who....did not deserve even to think about God, except that His Majesty was very merciful to her in allowing her to remain in His presence, saying her prayers, reading also in good books. [ Relations: 7: #3 ] ▪ Still, "These graces should be striven for" "Do not imagine that it is unimportant whether you try to obtain these graces or no" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #17 ] St. Teresa teaches us to strive to dispose ourselves to graces in order to grow in virtue with God's help and advance toward Union with God. However, God grants His gifts according to His Will and according to how He sees what will benefit each one. ■ Advantages of learning about Consolations Knowledge that one can progress in prayer and spiritual advancement toward God ▪ will encourage souls to strive to progress and strengthen their resolutions "by urging souls who know what each mansion contains to strive to enter the best." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #14 ] ▪ Bring graces and growth in virtue "they come laden with love and strength, which - aid the soul on its way and - increase its good works and virtues. [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #17 ] ▪ will reassure and guide those on the Way of Perfection and help them understand what they are experiencing and what to expect "It will solace those whom God has advanced so far; ▪ will acquaint the reader with self-knowledge and insight into one's faults so that one can redirect their efforts. "show what consolations and delights we lose through our own fault" [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #16 ] "others, who thought they had reached the summit, will be abashed, yet if they are humble, they will be led to thank God." [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #14 ] ▪ will cause souls to praise and honor God "when I read of the mercies and consolations that our Lord grants to His servants, I was delighted and praised Him fervently. "the humble and good glorify Him!" "I think it is worth while to explain these subjects if only for the sake of moving a single soul to praise God once. [ Interior Castle: Mansion 3: Ch. 2: #16 ] |
End of the Discussion of Mansion 3 Chapter 2 of The Interior Castle or The Mansions of S. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of our Lady of Carmel |